So the time has finally come, and the government have announced that non-essential businesses can reopen. With that in mind lets get to the meat and potatoes of this post!
To say we have given the logistics of this re-opening a bit of thought is putting it very lightly. There are so many issues we have had to think about, and the top of that list is most definitely both the safety of our customers and us. We have the added issue that Mr Territo Senior is technically in the ‘at high risk bracket’ so suffice as to say we are taking this seriously!
The other big consideration is the fact that tailoring without human contact is nigh on impossible, so there are compromises that we have to make while maintaining these high safety standards. So as follows is what we have come up with as a plan for the foreseeable future…
We are going to be operating on a strictly by appointment only basis, please call or e-mail and we are sure we can fit you in at a time that suits (no pun) you.
Secondly we ask that all customers wear a mask and use supplied hand sanitiser before coming into the premises.
Finally, we’re not being rude or dismissive if we keep the one to one appointments brief. We are suggesting that any initial consultations for new garment orders where possible can take place over zoom or Skype… Or we could take a few swatch books across the street to the park.
We hope you understand these measures, we can’t wait to get back to a new normal, and look forward to dressing Bristol and beyond.
Till next time…